Board of Directors
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors, along with the Head Coach, is responsible for the operation of the Kenora Swimming Sharks (KSS). The Board is elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact the President at for more information.
The directors may, on behalf of the Corporation, exercise all the powers that the Corporation may legally exercise under the governing Act, the letters patent or otherwise, unless the directors are restricted by law or by the members from exercising those powers. These powers include, but are not limited to, the power:
To enter into contracts or agreements;
To make banking and financial arrangements;
To execute documents;
To direct the manner in which any other person or persons may enter into contracts or agreement on behalf of the Corporation;
To purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of real or personal property, securities or any rights or interest for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions as the directors may consider advisable;
To borrow on the credit of the Corporation for the purposes of operating expenses, or on the security of the Corporation’s real or personal property; and
To purchase insurance to protect the property, rights and interests of the Corporation and to indemnify the Corporation, its members, directors and officers from any claims, damages, losses or costs arising from or related to the affairs of the Corporation.
Board of Director Positions:
Vice President
Board Members:
Fundraising Coordinator
Officials Coordinator
Corporate Sponsorship
Parent Representative
Website Coordinator
Fundraising Assistant
Members are invited to contact the Board with concerns, requests or other comments.
Please send to
Board Meetings
All members are invited to attend Board meetings. Members are asked to notify the President prior to any meeting if they would like to add items to the agenda and speak in regards to such items. Board meetings are generally held the second Tuesday of each month. For more information contact the club President.
The Annual General Meeting of members is generally held in the fall of every year. At this meeting, the report of the executive is made including a look at the finances, fundraising and swimmer development.