

The Club consists of three (3) categories of membership:

Every member, being of the full age of eighteen years, in good standing and who has paid

the applicable membership fees, and completed mandatory fundraising events for that year

is entitled:

A swimmers ability to attend swim meets and further swimming program will be

impacted or ceased for any member who is not in good standing.

Only registered swimmers may participate in practices or competitions of the club.

Each member is entitled to one vote. The chair of the meeting is entitled to a casting vote in the event of a tie on any matter before that meeting that has been voted upon by the members.

Membership shall cease:

No person who holds the position of Swim Coach or any other salaried employee of the

Corporation shall be entitled to become a member of the Corporation.

Coaches, employees of the corporation, or other individuals may attend and provide input into meetings upon the invitation of the board. However, these attendees shall not have voting privileges.


The Annual General Meeting of members is generally held in the fall of every year.  At this meeting, the report of the executive is made including a look at the finances, fundraising and swimmer development.